Reason #3: Evan Doesn't Take Himself Too Seriously
Evan's sense of humor is understated, subtle, and outrageous. You may think that those three adjectives don't go together, but they do with Evan. He is willing to grow bad facial hair and wear ridiculous sweaters for a laugh, all with a straight face. He and a friend made robot costumes for Halloween, mimicking Flight of the Conchords' music video, The Year 2000. He is not the loudest one in the room, but he is almost always the funniest if you pay attention to what's he's saying and doing.
The Ugly Sweater party seems to be a Christmas tradition wherever Evan is living. I always beg him to remember it is about ugly sweaters, not ugly men.
He's got my vote!!
This one with Edna is priceless!
The Ugly Sweater party seems to be a Christmas tradition wherever Evan is living. I always beg him to remember it is about ugly sweaters, not ugly men.
This is way too much fun looking at all these great pictures of Evan - can I vote more that once? :)
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