It's funny, because since then, when I run into people that I haven't seen in a while, or meet someone new who reads my blog, they often ask, "So, what ever happened with your brother and that girl with the Dates and the blog?" My answer always goes something like, "They're still dating. No, I don't know if they'll get married, but we all love her."
Well, drumroll please . . . . .
Evan and Tamara are now engaged to be married. Hurray!!!! And yes, I am taking the credit for:
1. Helping Evan get the second date with my blog and Facebook campaign
2. Making him a favorite with Tam's friends and family before they ever met him because who doesn't love a man who: loves kids, has skills, doesn't take himself too seriously, is musical, loves animals, is easy going, and is what every girl wants. How could they resist him once I'd posted all those adorable photos of Evan?
3. Interfering as much as I could get away with and not mess it all up. I got myself a girl-crush on Tamara early on, and really, really wanted things to work out with them. And yet, Evan is a man who will not be pushed. I just had to gently nudge now and then and say my prayers.
We are so thrilled for them! Go to Tamara's blog to see a photo-article about the proposal.
And a question to my local (Sac-area) readers: would you come to a little open house if I threw one for them? I think it would be fun to let some of you voyeurs actually meet them. What do you say?
Cannot tell you how long I've been itching to ask. Huge congrats! I'm delighted for the both of them.
Hip, hip, hooray!! SO excited for your fam. Congratulations!
Yay!! Funny, I just asked Scrappy about this a couple of days ago. So exciting! Congratulations.
I talked to evan, brfore I read it here (good thing) and I am really excited for both of them. They swear they are coming to visit me in NC in november :)
Oh and Michal, thank you so much for the care package, the brownies were so good I got a little emotional . . . I think Homer would have too. (brownies! How's you know?)
Next year in jerusalem . . . .
I am so excited for them. What a great couple they are, and what a great story to tell their children!
Wish I wasn't going to be ready to pop for the wedding. I will need lots of details about it from you and Tamara since you know what kind of report I will get from El Guapo. :)
We have been following the innuendos for the past day and have been waiting to hear something official. I read her blog and then came over and saw yours. Where? When? Details?
That is SOOOO cool. So there will have to be a follow-up story on GMA right?
no date or place yet. they are deciding between a couple of locations (both LDS temples) and the dates that work with those. they promise to tell us by the end of the week. woot woot!
Yes of course you better have an open house for your local fans.
Love happy endings...or happy beginnings...both!
How FUN is that?! I would love to meet her, I think after reading her blog so many of us would. How exciting!
HOw very cool! What a fun story they have to tell to their kids someday!
Yippee! I've been wondering too...
If I was in your area, you KNOW I love to come to an open house. It would be like meeting celebrities. Imagine how many different blog post you'd have on those guys from that one event. Fun, fun.
Props to you for helping to bring together such a lovely couple.
Yippee!!! I would totally go to a party for them!!
Congrats to both of them. I loved following her 31 dates, and yes I would love to go to an open house to meet them. :)
WOW. Yeah for them! Geez Michal, next time I am campaigning for something I know who to call. Is there anything you can't do?
Hooray!!! We are so excited! We were hoping... Great news! I'll pass it around our ward!
How exciting! I was hoping they'd end up together forever!
wow how did you get such in demand celebrities to commit to doing said "open house"?
wonderful news! now that her story has such a happy ending, there's no doubt it'll be turned into a movie! michal, it is time to start thinking about who to cast as the thoughtful & wise sister! :)
Anonymous II:
this is part of my scheme to get them to commit to said open house!:)
you are right! i hadn't thought of that. hmmm-- i pick julia roberts or ashley judd to play me:)
Wow! Congrats to them and congrats to you :) !!
How fabulous! I was wondering about them just the other day. When nothing more was said I assumed the whole thing just ended. What a happy day! I have a great, single BIL who needs a little encouragement on the issue of marriage. Maybe you can give me some tips!!
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