Friday, July 18, 2008


I have so many posts cooking right now, but can't seem to get them written down. But I was just reading Mahina's blog and loved the meme she is passing on. Here's how it works. I need your help, dear readers!

In order to play the game, my readers need to leave me a comment with a memory they have of/with me. It doesn't matter if we are virtual friends or if we've known each other since birth, just think of a memory that we share or of something that reminds you of me and leave a comment. Yes, it's all about me. But I do love a post that begs for comments because I am always dying to see who is actually reading out there. So go ahead and de-lurk and tell me about the time you met me and I had food in my teeth or the time I pooped on your carpet as a baby (Aunt Karen), or anything you want. After all, I did put myself out there and post this picture of myself in 6th grade. Check out those lovely specs!

Then, if you so desire, you can carry this meme over to your own blog and request memories from your readers. I will happily come visit and leave a comment.


Molly said...

4th of July, 2008. You're the best brownie cutter I've ever seen! And you even saved the yummy edges from an unmentionable doom. I don't even want to think about what would've happened to them if you weren't there. :) I loved our little brownie chat!

Prudy said...

Two memories from me: In the 90's in our little apartment in Regency, we used to crank up the radio and dance with whatever costume tidbits we could find. My favorite was you, canding with the giant sombrero, to James Taylor's Mexico. I also remember us running out in the middle of the night in shorts to jump around in the first snowfall of the season.

Michal said...

the first snowfall memory is one of my favorites, too. i remember that you and i stayed up all night talking when everyone else went to bed. did we wake someone up to take a picture of us? somewhere, i have a picture of us jumping up and down in the snowfall.
also doing the daily universe crossword puzzles with our chocolate covered peanuts and fudge covered pretzels.

Prudy said...

I almost added that same idea. I loved when you used to surprise me with little white waxed paper bag full of $1 worth of chocolate covered peanuts for me. We still call a little suprise a "little s" around here.
I still love the NY times crossword puzzles, but it has never ever been as fun as those times when we took it more seriously than homework. We had to meet up between classes to update our puzzles according to each other's progress.
Another memory: Dr. England having to scold us in class for chatting too much. Oh, he tried the non verbal cues but we still gabbed away. I remember our sheepish apology after class.
Do you remember your first memory of me? From camp? The one I have erased from my memory; history is so kind to me-I tend to forget all of my past sins and errors.

Anonymous said...

I loved the letter you wrote as if you were our son on his mission. Mom and I said "this ones a good prospect". Of coarse we we were right.


Melanie Dickens said...

Haven't known you or your blog long haha! My favorite that I have been privileged to know so far though is your 40 before 40 list, very inspiring! And I must say, so brave to post the picture.

Anonymous said...

Well every time I think of my favorite times with you it some how has to do with paint.... I have enjoyed these times because I have got to know you as a girlfriend not just a Mom... I have got to laugh and share girl stuff that I don't get to do very often ... So I have some more projects if your willing I promise it will be fun....

Anonymous said...

Ok so I'm a dork I forgot to write my name on the Last one it's me Mandy
( under the influenceof Kids)

Jen H. said...

I remember the cute little kitchen space in Fugal #189 where you and all your fabulous roomies (and sometimes your fun neighbor, me) would play Hot Lava, paint the flames of hell on your window, and quote Deep Thoughts on the cupboards.

I remember walking into the MTC grounds on my first day, tears in my eyes from saying goodbye to my family, and immediately seeing you sitting on a sunny, grassy patch in the courtyard. Your smile made my day. You have such a great smile!

Jen Harrington

Michal said...

i remember writing that letter. and i remember showing up at jared's homecoming and being hugged warmly by you and mom. "sister johnson! i know who you are!" what i had no idea is that you'd be my other parents some day.

Michal said...

i'm game for another painting project. your house or mine?

Michal said...

i loved that kitchen in fugal hall. such good memories there. and i got to meet some of the best women i will ever have the privilege of knowing. i had forgotten about the flames of hell, but i do tell my kids about lava monster.

Malia said...

Its so true that we don't have enough memories together considering we're related! But I look forward to the ones we will make! I do remember the first time I met you when my family came up to Whittier and we had a great dinner and fun hang out time! We played games and everything was so nice and relaxed.

Also, my impression (not yet a memory because I haven't experienced it yet) of you you is as an excellent cook! Can't wait to make that a memory!

mahina said...

i have 2 memories from the weekend that i met you. the first is the same one you shared on my blog. i remember sitting out on the nice deck playing ferckle (i have no idea how to spell that!) and trying to keep our kids in line while playing.

the other memory was just a few days later at the temple when our siblings got married. i remember feeling a connection to you because you were pregnant too!

Michal said...

come visit anytime! i'm happy to cook for you. i love to feed my guests till they pop!:)

Michal said...

i remember thinking how much better you looked pregnant than i did! and i remember how adorable i thought your girls were. so very very adorable. and how i knew that stu and malia's kids would be gorgeous as well.