A good friend of mine, Jana, is a breast cancer survivor. She posted today on the Think Pink for Life blog, sponsored by For Every Body.
Even though I have heard Jana's story, I cannot stop weeping as I read her post. I sit here, with the laptop on the kitchen counter as I feed Bronwen some oatmeal lefthanded (Jared is cringing right now because it's his laptop and he's surely concerned about wayward oatmeal), and cry for Jana's loss, for her strength, for her victory over breast cancer while she watched her daughter succumb to brain cancer. I weep with joy that her life today is happy, in spite of the pain of the past. I hurt for her all over again and remember how important it is to raise awareness and money to find a cure for breast cancer.
If you get a chance, please read Jana's post and the posts of others who have been affected by breast cancer. They are continuing to accept these stories to post through October 20th, so pass the info along to the people in your life that might have a story to share.
My heart hurts...and I am crying. She is so young. How do you know Jana?
jana and i worked together in my first job after college, when jared and i were newlyweds. it was a startup hi tech company and for a while we were the only women there. for a time our cubicles were even next to each other, which was so fun. she was diagnosed shortly after i left the company (when we moved to whittier) and she stopped working then. after losing her daughter and beating breast cancer, jana has gone on to have two more children, a boy and a girl. she is a wonderful mom, wife, and friend. she is a great example to me.
wow! that brought tears to my eyes. lala will be four in two weeks and it would break my heart to go through that with her! i've always wondered how you can explain the "why?" to a little child who doesn't understand such things. at that age they are supposed to be playing and laughing, not enduring so much pain.
jana is an amazing woman!
Thanks so much Michal. Unbelievable. Thanks for sharing- I've linked it on my blog for others to read.
Hi Michal,
Thank you for sharing that with us.
I might not be the most regular visitor for the next four weeks, until I finish this novel - but you do know I;m a big fan of yours.
Thanks so much Michal
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